Shraddha Walkar, who was killed by Aftab Poonawala, reportedly expressed regret for her demise two years prior, according to the police. Poonawala is accused of strangling Walkar, his live-in partner, and chopping up her body into 35 pieces, which he then allegedly kept in his Mehrauli, South Delhi, home’s 300-liter refrigerator for nearly three weeks before disposing of them over a number of days after midnight.
Shraddha feared that Aftab would kill her and cut her body, she wrote in a letter to the police in 2020. The accused began abusing Shraddha during this time, and as a result, she was hospitalised with numerous injuries on her body.
“I’ve been mistreated and beaten by He Aftab. He attempted to kill me today (November 23, 2020), and now he’s threatening to tear me into pieces and discard me.”
In the letter, she added, “Aafab’s parents knew that Aaftab tried to kill her by choking her.”
The six-month-old case was resolved by Delhi police.
On the basis of Shraddha’s father’s accusation, Delhi Police solved the six-month-old blind murder case and detained Aaftab Amin Poonawalla.
Following their online dating encounter, Aaftab and Shraddha moved in together at a Chhatarpur rental home. On November 10, Delhi police got a complaint from Shraddha’s father and filed a FIR.
Aaftab Poonawala killed Shraddha on May 18 and then began making plans to dispose of her body, according to Delhi Police investigation. He admitted to reading up on human anatomy to aid him in hacking off the body when he spoke to police.
Police claimed that Aaftab cleaned the blood stains from the floor with certain chemicals and disposed of the ruined clothing after using Google’s shopping mode to find products. He moved the body in the restroom before going to a neighbouring store to purchase a refrigerator. The body was later sliced into little pieces and placed in the refrigerator.
Aaftab Poonawala’s narco test must be completed by Rohini Forensic Science Lab within five days, according to a Delhi court’s ruling.