Yogi Adityanath, the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, revealed that more than half of the Ram Mandir project has been finished while attending a function at Shri Panchkhand Peeth in Rajasthan on Thursday.
The UP CM asserted that the Shri Panchkhand Peeth has consistently been a driving force in all social and religious activities.
CM Yogi stated during his speech at the event at Shri Panchkhand Peeth, “Swami Acharya Dharmendra Ji Maharaj and Mahatma Ramchandra Veer Ji Maharaj made selfless contributions to the nation. Additionally, the “Peeth” was essential in promoting public participation in the saints’ various campaigns for the welfare of the nation.”
At Swami Somendra Sharma’s “Chadarposhi” celebration, Adityanath remarked that Acharya Dharmendra had been connected to Gorakshapeeth for three generations. Notably, Yogi serves as Gorakshapeeth’s chief priest.
“Acharya ji always had a sense of belonging, my deepest respect to him,” he said.
“India’s Sanatan Dharm accords the utmost priority to the conservation of our Gau Matas (cows),” Yogi stated in his speech to the “Sant Samagam.”
Added he, “The Ram Mandir dream, for which the campaign began in 1949, was realised through sustained efforts. As a result, the Ram Mandir, which was also Acharya Ji’s dream, is currently over 50% of the way toward completion.”
The CM of Uttar Pradesh stated that Acharya ji was regarded and cherished by the Hindu community since he used to communicate his ideas in an open, logical manner.
He declared, “Today, even In the absence of Acharya Ji physically, his principles, ideals, and contribution remain alive among us all.
In June, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath laid the foundation stone for the construction of Ram Temple’s sanctum sanctorum or ‘Garbha Griha’.
There is a great deal of progress being made on the construction of the temple of Lord Ram in Ayodhya. Since Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone for the Ram Temple on August 5, 2020, construction of the temple has been underway.
On November 9, 2019, a five-judge Constitution bench led by Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi (now retired) ruled unanimously that the land in Ayodhya where Babri Masjid once stood, belongs to Ram Lalla.