Under the National Education Policy (NEP), 2020, the focus is on promoting mother tongue and regional languages, said Union Minister Subhas Sarkar on Tuesday, November 9, 2022, as per an official statement. He further added that the NEP does not intend to impose Hindi while presiding over a meeting at Namsai district in Arunachal Pradesh.
The Union Minister of State for Education was in the state to review NITI Aayog’s aspirational district programme.
Namsai is one of the 112 districts of the country under the Aspirational District Programme (ADP) of the NITI Aayog, which was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in January 2018.
The aspirational districts have been identified by Niti AAYOG based upon indicators from health and nutrition, education, agriculture and water resources, financial inclusion and skill development which have an impact on human development index (HDI).
The minister lauded the district administration for achieving various targets and took a comprehensive sector-wise review of the ADP, an official statement said.
During his interaction with the officers, the minister sought information on the gaps and observations made in the field that needed to be focused on.
“Team Namsai can change the economy, healthcare, education, and other sectors of the district, for which all the stakeholders should aim to work dedicatedly to make historic changes for the district,” the minister stressed.