In a groundbreaking move, a school in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, has ushered in a new era of education with the introduction of India’s first AI teacher named Iris. Crafted by Maker Labs and powered by generative AI, Iris is set to redefine the learning landscape. The robot, unveiled at Kerala’s KTCT Higher Secondary School, is not merely a technological spectacle; it aims to adapt to each student’s needs, creating a personalized and engaging learning experience.
The inauguration of Iris was carried out by Dr. K Rajeev, Director of the Space Physics Laboratory (SPL) of VSSC. The video shared on Instagram showcases the robot inside a classroom, seamlessly interacting with students. Notably, attendance in classes led by Iris has seen a remarkable increase, with students evidently impressed by the AI teacher’s capabilities.
According to reports, Iris can move, interact, and effectively answer students’ queries across subjects from nursery to Class 12. The multilingual robot currently communicates in English, Hindi, and Malayalam, with plans to expand its language repertoire to over 20 languages. Furthermore, Iris boasts a safeguard feature, blocking inappropriate content such as drugs and violence.
This technological leap not only marks a significant advancement in educational methods but also highlights the potential for AI to revolutionize traditional teaching models. As Iris becomes the trusted companion of students at KTCT Higher Secondary School, it opens up new possibilities for a tech-driven educational future, blending innovation and personalized learning. Stay tuned as India takes its first steps into the future of education with Iris, the pioneering AI teacher.