We all agree that fennel seeds, or saunf, are an essential component of Indian cuisine. This seed spice, which is a very common mouth refresher, predominates a larger share of Indian cuisine. When it comes to mouthwash, finishing each meal with a few fennel seeds or saunf is more of a ritual. We frequently receive saunf and mishri along with the bill at eateries.
Fennel seeds are well known for their refreshing quality, but they also have a number of health advantages. The minerals calcium, zinc, manganese, vitamin C, copper, and potassium are all rich in saunf. Trust me, it’s about more than just avoiding foul breath. Fennel seeds contain everything you need, from aiding in water retention to controlling blood pressure. Even though they resemble cumin, they are quite distinct. Let’s look more closely at the advantages fennel seeds have for your health.
Improves digestive health
The essential oil included in fennel seeds stimulates enzymes and digestive juices, resulting in an easier digestion. These substances also have anti-inflammatory qualities because they contain fenchone, anethole, and estragole. It can work wonders for indigestion, bloating, and constipation when ingested properly. Fennel seeds also contain a lot of fibre, which is healthy for the body.
Regulates blood pressure
Fennel seeds, often known as saunf, control blood flow because they are high in potassium. It not only aids in regulating blood pressure but also heart rate. According to certain research, fennel seeds can raise the amount of nitrate in saliva, which lowers blood pressure.
eliminates foul breath
You’re all aware of fennel seeds’ ability to do this. But do you know how it accomplishes that? We’ll let you know. This occurs as a result of fennel seeds’ unique aromatic essential oil, which has antibacterial qualities and aids in breath freshening. It is without a doubt an easy and successful home cure for foul breath.
increases lactation
Fennel seeds also stimulate galactagogues, a compound that aids in boosting milk secretion, which is a health advantage. According to some research, the compound anethole found in fennel seeds mimics the effects of the hormone oestrogen and encourages lactation.
aids in enhancing vision
Fennel seeds provide a wealth of health advantages, but they can also assist with eyesight. Fennel seeds are very advantageous since they contain vitamin A, which is crucial for healthy eyes. Let us remind you that fennel seed extracts have been utilised in the past to treat glaucoma.
reduces body weight
Fennel seeds aid to reduce weight gain by reducing hunger. Fennel seeds have a lot of fibre, which boosts metabolism. Fennel seeds can aid in weight loss by aiding daily consumption.
eliminates gas
Fennel seeds lessen flatulence due to their great digestive qualities. The seed works wonders for the body and permits bowel movement without the buildup of excessive gas. In the first place, it stops bacteria from developing and emitting gases.